“I help people find solutions.”







By working with me, you’ll receive tailored guidance that respects your individuality, helping you navigate your career with clarity and purpose. You’ll benefit from a holistic approach to career coaching that integrates insights from psychology, counseling, and business.

Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of career development and decision-making. What I offer is more than just advice; it’s a personalized journey attuned to your unique aspirations and needs.




Engage in mediation and experience a refined approach to resolving conflicts. Whether facing business disagreements, workplace issues, personal tensions, family matters, or neighborhood disputes, guidance is provided towards mutual understanding and amicable resolution. 

With me as your mediator, you’ll be guided towards a clearer path to address issues. Together, we’ll aim for a solution that’s swift, respectful, and considers your unique situation, while understanding that outcomes can vary.

“My goal is to to empower people, whether it’s via shaping your career, enhancing your skills, or resolving conflicts peacefully.”


1,8 mio CZK


.. average value of mediation dispute


300+ hours


.. of mediation practice


5 years


.. of corporate experience


8 semesters


.. as university lecturer




.. passed Mediation State Exam by Czech Ministry of Justice

My Story

My journey to career coaching and mediation began with a desire to help people. After working in various business development and consulting positions, I sought a role where I could connect my interests, strengths with my PhD studies in industrial and organizational psychology.

Both career coaching and mediation primarily focus on helping people uncovering their true desires and needs.

With experience in understanding organizational dynamics and facilitating communication, I realized my true fulfillment came from assisting individuals in achieving their professional goals and resolving conflicts. Career coaching and mediation provided the perfect opportunity to guide individuals, helping them discover their potential, set meaningful goals, and overcome challenges.

Combining my passion for helping people, business acumen, and desire for positive change, I embarked on a fulfilling journey as a career coach and mediator. Witnessing transformations and successes has been incredibly rewarding. 

I am dedicated to continuing this journey, using my skills, knowledge, and empathy to empower individuals, foster effective communication, and facilitate conflict resolution

Get to Know Me Through My Articles

Unlocking the Power of Mediation in Business Negotiations >>

As the saying goes, “You train hard, you fight easy.” While mediation and business development differ significantly, the lessons learned from mediation are invaluable preparation for high-pressure situations. Anyone can read the book about effective communication techniques. But knowledge is not enough; it must be transformed into a skill through practice. … read more

If You Want to Be a Superhero in Everything, You Are Gonna Crash >>

In the chaotic battleground of modern life, we’ve been fed a toxic lie – the belief that we must become superheroes in every realm to achieve success. Society celebrates the multitaskers, the overachievers, and the relentless go-getters, but at what cost? The dark reality is that the relentless pursuit of superhero status is a surefire path to burnout. … read more

Companies I have worked with

•   Avast   •   Citibank   •   Grant Thornton   •   IQVIA    •   Philip Morris International   •   Renomia   •   

•   Anglo-American University   •   VŠE   • 


Do you have any questions? Do you want to meet?

Get in touch.


+420 775 949 901

Prague Office

Asociace mediátorů ČR, Holečkova 100/9, 150 00 Praha 5 – Smíchov

Singapore Office

WeWork – Office Space, 30 Raffles Pl, Singapore 048622

Contact Details

Ing. Petra Sofia Hornakova

☏ +420 775 949 901 

✉︎ info@petrahornakova.com

ID datové schránky: 46546d5

IČO: 17389739

Payment Details

CZK domestic payment: 310794758/0300

CZK SEPA IBAN: CZ39 0300 0000 0003 1079 4758

EUR SEPA IBAN: CZ26 0300 0000 0003 1079 5865

SGD SEPA IBAN: LT58 3250 0874 1843 7965

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© 2023 by Petra S. Hornakova